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Best Buy 2pc DIAMOND HOLE SAW - CORE DRILL - Set - 1/2" + 1" Shop

Come and check-out one of the Web's number one choices associated with 2pc DIAMOND HOLE SAW - CORE DRILL - Set - 1/2" + 1", offering those items such popular models at cheap price tag. Plus Fast Delivery on qualify orders of 2pc DIAMOND HOLE SAW - CORE DRILL - Set - 1/2" + 1".

2pc DIAMOND HOLE SAW - CORE DRILL - Set - 1/2" + 1" Overview

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  • Hole sizes - 1/2" + 1"
  • 1/4" shank
  • Nickle plated - Diamond coating
  • Superior performance - Great for holes in marble, Slate, Glass, Tile etc.

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